
Hi, I’m Gabriel (Bobby). A passionate teenage programmer

A teenager who loves coding and testing new things. I am always trying to make my software better and better every day. Working on my app Spowlo and Seal.

  • I’m currently working on SpowloJetispotSeal and spotdl-android.
  • I’m currently learning Kotlin (for Android apps)Jetpack ComposePython, and some other technologies for the backend.
  • Ask me about anything related to the Android world, backend technologies and other things you think I know!
  • Fun fact: I think I’m very reliable and friendly. :)) I always want to help the community with nice tools

Thanks to xnetcat for its help with some spotDL related things!

Thanks to Seal and JunkFood02 for some of the code of the app and UI ideas. (Without you, this app would not have existed). I learnt a lot about architecture, coroutines, Jetpack Compose…

Philipp Lackner. Infinite thanks to you, Philipp. You made me learn infinite things with just a few videos. This guy explains literally everything about what he is coding, makes apps just to make the community learn, and gives us some amazing utilities. Without him, I probably wouldn’t started coding for Android.

Material color utilities for having Material You are colouring support in any device.

Katoka, for the app name. (Thank you! Without your moral support, I couldn’t have done the app, hahaha)

MoureDev by Brais Moure

Programación Android by AristiDevs

And also, thank you all for the internal tests of the app!